Featured Student

Meet Steven Huynh!

Steven is a Sophomore from Amherst, OH! Last fall, he appeared in BWMT's fall musical, Cabaret, and he dazzled the audience at Nighttown with his performance of Gotta Get Out of This Place at the Color-Full Cabaret in February! Coming up next, Steven will be returning to Nighttown with rest of the Sophomore class on April 29th presenting an opening act of jazz standards for the Senior's showcase performance!

What's your dream role?
Oh, definitely Aladdin. I grew up loving Disney films, and when I saw Aladdin on Broadway my senior year of high school, it’s been my dream to tell that story…it’ll happen, just you wait and see ;)

Who inspires you to be better?
I’m absolutely blessed to have such wonderful people in my life—my family, my classmates in BWMT, and my friends throughout the conservatory. Every day, I’m inspired by their kindness, compassion, talent, and work ethic, helping me strive for the best in everything I do. I’m grateful for their constant encouragement and belief in me, and I hope to reciprocate that level of support.

Where is the most interesting place you've been?
I LOVE to travel. I enjoy exploring to new places (mainly to eat local food) and seeing the sights. I’ve been to NYC, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Orlando, Denver, Vegas, LA, and even outside the country like China and Thailand, but my favorite by far is Vietnam with its beautiful scenery and delicious food.

If you could make a 20 second phone call to yourself at any point in your life present or future, when would you call and what would you say?
I took a gap year after graduation from high school, withdrawing from Otterbein University (fun fact: I was going to be a band teacher!), and decided to pursue a career in music theatre. I spent the year doing community and regional theatre in preparation for college auditions, and it was an incredibly nervous and uncertain time for me. I’d call myself from that time to say “Hey, future you here to tell you that it’s gonna be alright. Everything will line up just the way it needs to, and trust me, you’re doing just fine—just keep on keeping on.”

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?
I’m a sucker for some good indie-acoustic, singer/songwriter kind of music, so I always recommend the album Bitter Pill by Gavin James. I like it, I hope you like it, so let me know what you think! :)

What topic could you spend hours talking about?
Dude, I could talk about fitness forever. I love it—I love the deadlift, I love how therapeutic it is for me, and I love that it’s been an amazing constant in my life since 2016. I’ve done quite a bit of weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and I’m about to try my hand at CrossFit starting this summer (I hope to compete, so we’ll see)! If you want someone to geek out about it with, I’m your guy!