Featured Student

Meet Mackenzie Meyh!

School has been in full swing for just over a week and it's hard to believe September is already here! Mackenzie Meyh is a senior BWMT from Pine Beach, NJ! Previously at BW, you might have seen her as the stoic Helga in Cabaret, or the dancing cellist from Once! The highlight of Mackenzie's summer break this year was spending time with her family!

What is your dream role in a musical?
My dream role would have to be Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. One of the first songs I ever sang in voice lessons as a child was “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?” and after doing all of my research, my little self fell in love with her. Eliza is so spunky and has a bad-ass attitude. I try to be like her everyday. Even if I never have the opportunity to play her, she has a very special place in my heart.

What superpower would you like to have?
Teleportation! How cool would it be to take mini breaks throughout the day in a new place? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all around the world! Also, teleporting from dance class to my shower would save me so much time and stress.

What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched?
Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with cartoons. Most recently, I binged Avatar: The Last Airbender. Thank God they put it on Netflix!

What’s a cause you're passionate about?
I care a lot about advocating for special needs education.My mom is a special needs teacher in a middle school and I grew up around those sweet kids. More often than not, schools take away a lot of funding for special education classes, and trips that are extremely beneficial to the students. My mom’s students are the sweetest group of kids and when I visit her class it makes my day.

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?
Joni Mitchell! She has such a sultry voice and authentic, heartbreaking lyrics. If I met her, I think I would pass out.